Testimonial: Alyza Raithatha from Integra Health Centre

Testimonial: Alyza Raithatha from Integra Health Centre

With starting a new business a lot of it comes down to numbers, to getting your business loan, trying to figure out how to be successful, how to be profitable. I’m not that much of a numbers person and so starting that out was definitely a really big stressor and one of the things that kind of, I guess you could say one of the things that caused us a lot of anxiety initially because I mean numbers are numbers but it’s essentially numbers that are going to make you successful.

Client Testimonial From Alyza Raithatha At Integra Health Centre

What I guess we love most about SRJ is the fact that we don’t have to worry about the numbers and we don’t have to worry about things that they can take care of for us so we can worry about growing our business. I would absolutely recommend others work with SRJ because, like I said, it’s been a really positive experience and it’s really important to not just feel like another client. Not to feel like a number and that’s one of the things that SRJ does not make us feel like.